Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Halloween festivities were not high on my priority list this year. Last year my roommates and I dressed as the Spice Girls and went to the Alpine Village dance party. Classic. This year, midterms, papers, and a PRSSA fund-raising emergency got in the way of any real plans.

We were going to dress up as Arrested Development characters, but again, no time to plan. I got home from school at 7 on Friday to find out that the ward party was starting...at 7.

Kelly Kapowski and a Jehovah's Witness. Thrown together? Don't worry about it.

Growing up, Halloween was always great. I had some pretty sweet costumes. We had an AWESOME Snow White costume that got passed from sister to sister to cousin to cousin for at least 10 years. My sister and I were fifties girls. One year I was a geisha. When I was in 6th grade I had a really cool Renaissance dress, but I don't even know where that is now.

The best part about Halloween was acting out this book with my family:

Ignore the singing.

We'd act it out with these little guys:
I'm always the mummy. Always.

But since I've been at college, I've started a new tradition. It's called "Go to Wal-Mart at midnight and buy all the half-priced candy."


No regrets, baby.

Except for this time it turned into a grocery store trip since I literally had no food. Sorry, guys.
Picnik collage
But we got them treats so it was ok.

1 comment:

  1. 1. FUN DIP
    2. Being part of Big Pumpkin was one of the greatest honors of my life.
    3. alpine dance party forever
