Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kindred Spirits

“Kindred Spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. Its splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”
Anne of Green Gables


These are my kindred spirits.

I met these girls in very different ways. Elizabeth was my friend during our semester writing for the Daily Universe. Kristin is from my freshman year, but we didn't get close until later. Alex was my roommate last year and Robin was her roommate during spring/summer term. And Alex and I met Torrie our first day in Relief Society this year.

We're all very different (we come from Washington, California, Idaho, Illinois, Texas and Arkansas and we're majoring in communications, American Studies, History and Athletic Training), but we hit it off with each other almost instantly.

So what makes a kindred spirit? In our case:
  • An abiding love for fast food and diet caffeinated beverages
  • Frequent use of the phrase "hot mess"
  • A loud laugh, and a tendency to think everything is funny
  • Appreciation for Top 40 music, or as we like to call them, "jams"
  • Distate for "jorts" (jean shorts)
To celebrate our kindred spirit-hood, we go to Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe every Thursday.

Kindred Spirits

The essence of "Kindred Spirit Cupcakes"

We talk about everything from Santa Claus to bachelorette parties to what boys we wish we could take shopping. We laugh, we tweet (well, most of us. Torrie will get a Twitter one day), and talk about our hot mess lives. It's great.

It's great to eat refined sugar in the "no judgment zone." It's great to laugh so hard you have tears in your eyes. Twice. In fifteen minutes. It's great to have these girls who, in the words of the amazing Torrie Foutz, "get you."