Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mormon Girls

You know the type. The girl that sits behind you, um, magnifying her talents, by singing very loudly, with a quivering vibrato, harmonizing with the harmony, and holding the notes out a little longer than the rest. Because she KNOWS that one day, some handsome RM pre-med will turn around with love in his eyes and compliment her on her voice. Then they will have five beautiful babies that whose cries will be music to everyone's ears.

Do you ever want to turn around while she's displaying her amazing vocal talents and pull an Ursula from "Little Mermaid:"

Just me? Oh.


  1. "will turn around with love in his eyes" hahahhaha. have i told you yet about the motab girl who conducts the music in my new ward?

  2. I have approximately 3218793457231 girls like this in my ward. AND THEY'RE ALL MARRIED.

