Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pittsburgh Christmas

This year I was only able to spend a few days (Thursday to Wednesday) at home this year, but we were able to fit in most of my favorite Pittsburgh Christmas activities.

1. A Pittsburgh welcome: a Steeler and a patriot
2. 5 little stockings, homemade by my aunt
3. The back 40 in the snow
4. Downtown, or as Pittsburghers say it "downtahn"
5. Enjoying hot chocolate in the PPG building.
6. Every year they display gingerbread houses from schools and organizations all over Pittsburgh
7. St. Nicholas- the Santa Claus figure from Germany
8. St. Stephen from Ireland (these are our two favorite Santas. Maybe it's because we're Irish and German. That's my best guess)
9. Challah- a traditional Jewish bread that we use for French toast
10. Dad and Thunder hanging out
11. My handsome Grandpa
12. Our Christmas craft. We punched out circles from old Christmas cards and made them into a garland


  1. Yeah for Pittsburgh Christmas! So glad you were here!!

  2. When did your fam move to Pittsburgh? Glad you had a fun Christmas!
