Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is...

Love is me and Alex's open closet policy. Love is getting ice cream with Mikayla and talking about boys.  Love is Katie and Scott inviting me to play Ticket to Ride with them. Love is Ryan letting me bundle up in his coats when I was sick on the way to Vegas. Love is Andrew giving me his full Cafe Rio punch card. Love is Kevin skipping out on the library to come to dinner. Love is a tweet from E telling me to come to the newsroom because there's glitter in there. Love is a hug and an "I'm OBSESSED with you" from Hayl. Love is writing Kanye lyrics on Megan's wall. Love is hearing Ali's schemes and stories. Love is texting Hannah three-year-old inside jokes. Love is a Valentine's package from Andrew's mom. Love is laughing so hard I cry, pretty much daily.

Love is a family dinner date at Rubio's on Valentine's Day.
Celebrating getting Andrew's cast off.

Celebrating Alex's new job at the MTC.

Celebrating Ryan getting into the PR program.

Andrew at his happiest.


My people

And this Valentine's Day, this is just the love I want.


  1. You're adorable. And Rubio's is delicious.

  2. This almost made me cry, and heavens woman, I am obsessed with you. And I second everything Megan said.

  3. I have to admit, I've never been to Rubio's, but it's definitely on my list. Especially after this post, and seeing with my own two eyes how yummy everything looks. I'm glad you had an awesome Valentine's Day :)

    Anyway, I'm one of the co-hosts from the BYU Blogger Meet-up, just stopping by to say hi before we get to meet in real life! (I also read lots of your post and ended up becoming your newest follower while I was here, but that's a different story...) Make sure to check out the post below and send an email to reserve your spot if you haven't already!

    Love, Brooke

