Monday, January 9, 2012

Spruce Up Your Space

So everyone knows I'm a huge fan of Matchbook Mag. In the last issue, they featured the "Matchbook Girl Resolutions," and one of them was "spruce up your space." This weekend I decided to do just that.

It's a little difficult to spruce up a college apartment where you can literally reach across and touch your roommate's bed, but I did the best I could. I dusted off the old bulletin board and put a few pictures and notes up.


I decided to organize my shelves too. For weeks I've been looking at adorable shelf arrangements on Pinterest.

I have books and frames that I needed to organize so I decided to arrange them in a cute way, not just in big piles.




It's not much, but it did give my room a fresh, newer feel. Now let's see if I can keep it organized the rest of the year...


  1. and you did a marvelous job! I love me some Matchbook mag!!!!
