Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I came across this article today.I feel like it was sweet and had an interesting take on Valentine's Day
"look at your beloved today. really try to see him or her and think "what can i do for you?" rather than dwell on things they should do for you. there is a saying by rumi that i find so beautiful, "i look into your eyes and see the whole universe -- born and not yet born." there is so much to come especially if we can open our eyes and hearts to each other..."
That's my goal for today: "What can I do for you?"

 Also, a little Valentine's Day playlist for your enjoyment: 

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. love this quote- and love your blog, the header is adorable :)

    its so true, and i find we're way happier when we focus on giving. i also find i appreciate things other people do for me when i'm not focused on what i think i'm entitled to.
    thanks for sharing!
    and pumped to meet you at the meet up :)
