Monday, November 7, 2011

VH1 Countdowns

I LOVE VH1 Countdowns. There's nothing better than sitting down on a Friday night, flipping on the TV and seeing that "100 Greatest Kid Stars" is on. (Actually, I can think of a lot of things that are better than that. Things like, you know, having a social life. But whatever.)

With a VH1 Countdown, you can sit down for a sold two hours or more and be entertained without ever having to leave your couch or change the channel.

The best is watching a Music Countdown, Top 100 '90s Hits, 100 Greatest Songs Of The 80s, etc., with other people. Last week I was at my friend Elizabeth's house with her boyfriend Nathan and Greatest '90s One-Hit Wonders came on. Everything stopped- we were all glued to the TV. There's nothing better than sitting there and then all of a sudden:
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I love this one!" And then everyone starts singing the next few lines of whatever song it is. And of course EVERYONE knows the song. Or the dance.

"Everyone in 1996 was doing the Macarena."
Truer words have never been spoken.

Or this one:

My favorite memory of this song is not in the '90s, but at a dance here at BYU. A kid thought he would be hilarious and drop down into a push-up every time they said "I get knocked down" and then get up, obviously, when they said "But I get up again." He must have underestimated how many times they say that phrase because by the end of the song he was drenched in sweat and no one wanted to dance with him for the rest of the dance. Classic.

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