Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Melissa and Darrian's Hot Mess Baking Extravaganza

So I was in a bind today and needed a ton of Christmas treats two hours. My dear friend Darrian was gracious enough to let me use her house with her two ovens for the baking extravaganza. We cracked open our Diet Cokes, cranked up the She and Him Christmas and got to work.

I would like to say that we were so domestic and twirled around the kitchen. I would like to say that all the treats looked like they did on Pinterest. I would like to say that none of the cookies were smushed or that we there wasn't a near-fire incident. I would like to say that I used completely ladylike language, even when I burned my hand trying to stick M&Ms on pretzels. I would like to say that I did not spill Rice Krispies on the floor. I would to say that the phrase "I have ISSUES" was not uttered at least eight times during the course of the bake-off.

But I would be lying.

But seriously. Darrian saved my LIFE today. She was a baking machine, switching cookies in and out of the oven like a champ. She found me a white elephant gift and wrapped it up for me. She cleaned the dishes when I had to leave. She is my hero.

She's also really good at designing blogs...if you were wondering.

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